Apr 3Liked by Emily Sanders Hopkins

I agree 100%!!

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Apr 3Liked by Emily Sanders Hopkins

Great spontaneity for this baby-visit-family-reunion!!! ENJOY!!!!!

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Apr 3Liked by Emily Sanders Hopkins

YES!!! For spontaneous trips and tiny baby feet and seeing your people and too-strong coffee. Indeed the stars and planets do sometimes line up and we have limited time to be part of any of it. There is no better hospice side-effect than that. Signed, your friend on the twice-rescheduled bus to NYC

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Happy travels, Emily. I hope you find that blouse. :)

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Apr 3Liked by Emily Sanders Hopkins

I felt I was right there with you! Still waiting to get on that plane tho!…And if you were that dude I would have a total crush on you!!🩵

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Apr 6Liked by Emily Sanders Hopkins

So many good things in this! I was just asking someone the other day where all the black people were in this town? I had my young years in Dade City Fla (super racist back then, got kicked out of town for dating a black guy!), but I still had tons of black friends! Also, my thoughts on the eclipse are close to your level. I haven't seen one so I will enjoy the spectacle, but I don't think it's magical. And what an ego to have in thinking we are the only life in this vastness! For the most part, going out would be slightly faded jeans and pastel cotton button downs with the sleeves folded to mid forearm (showing the work man's muscle). Clean tennis shoes or work boots. Love the casual winking! No smarm! The main thing (I think) that separates us from other life on this planet is that we know from the get go that we will die. I'm always amazed ( and a bit envious, I'll admit) when someone is surprised about that. What would it be like to go through the day without that knowledge floating around in there somewhere?

You are always such a pleasure and inspiration to read! Will be joining in soon. Enjoy your family comforts to the fullest!

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